BYTE MNEM CONTEXT 1 - 2 NR Record length in bytes (usually 416) 3 - 6 STCOD IAGA station code, 3 letters, 4th arbitrary 7 - 9 CMP order of the components in data block, 3 10 letters and space 11 SC scaling factor, multiply all data and base values by X (SC=0 X=1, SC=1..7 X=2**(3-X), S=8..11 X=10**(10-X)) to yield data in nT or 0.1' unit 12 SD source of data, 0-digital record, 1-digitized from analog magnetograms 13 BL base level information, 0-absolute values; 1-final variometer data ,no absolute measur ement; 2-variations from monthly quiet mean level; 3- variations from monthly quiet night mean level; 10, 11, 12, 13- the same, but preliminary data 14-18 free (0) 19-20 FB filter breakpoint, period in seconds in which low pass filter is 3 db down (0.7 ampl.); 0- average for sample interval; 9999-no filtering; $7FFF-unknown 21-22 SI sample interval in second (60 for 1-min) 23-24 DS number of time samples in record (60) 25-26 GNPD geographical north pole distance in 0.01 degrees 27-28 GLON geographical longitude in 0.01 degrees (eastward positive) 29-30 YY year (1900-1999) 31-32 MM month (1-12) 33-34 DD day (1-31) 35-36 HH hour (0-23) 37-38 MN minute (0-59) of record start (0 for 1-min) 39-40 MV1 mean value for the 1-th component (usually X or H) 41-42 MV2 mean value for the 2-nd component (usually Y or E) 43-44 MV3 mean value for the 3-rd component (usually Z) 45-48 BS1 base level for the 1-th comp, 4 bytes integer 49-52 BS2 base level for the 2-nd comp, 4 bytes integer 53-56 BS3 base level for the 3-rd comp, 4 bytes integer 57-176 V1 60 values for the 1-th component 177-296 V2 60 values for the 2-nd component 297-416 V3 60 values for the 3-rd component Field 3-10 are ASCII characters, others are binary bytes or 2 bytes integers. Components code: D,I-in 0.1'; H,F,X,Y,Z in nT; E-magnetic east component perpendicular to H in nT; Usually data recorded as XYZ. Missing values are marked by 7FFF hecadec (32767). Mean values are calculated if no more then 10 values are missing.
J. Ryno, C. Sucksdorff, V. Petrov. Digital geomagnetic data base for VIKING period. IAGA Bull. N 53, 1989.