Solar wind pressure pulses - last update: 20 September 1998, 2030 UT (RR)
The solar wind pressure variations
are associated either with tangential discontinuities
or interplanetary shocks,
which are intrinsic to the solar wind, or with foreshock pressure pulses
generated at the bow shock
(Korotova and Sibeck, 1994).
The pressure pulses have an important role in the
solar wind - magnetosphere - ionosphere
coupling. They
The ground-based signatures of the pressure pulses are divided
into two groups:
- low-latitude magnetometers record
sudden impulse/sudden storm commencement (SI/SSC)
signatures as simple step function increases (or decreases) in the H
- high-latitude magnetometers record bipolar signatures in
the H component
(traveling convection vortices)
- Korotova, G. I., D. G. Sibeck, Generation of ULF magnetic
pulsations in response to sudden variations in solar wind
dynamic pressure, in Solar Wind Sources of Magnetospheric
Ultra-Low-Frequency Waves, Geophysical Monograph 81,
265-271, 1994.
See also: